Welcome to Detroit Randonneurs! We are thrilled to bring randonneuring events to the greater Detroit area.

Important Update for Detroit Randonneurs Members!

As we continue to evolve and improve, we’re excited to announce our transition to a new app for tracking membership and club rides. Introducing our new Detroit Randonneurs website: https://det.randonneur.app/

Detroit Randonneurs membership is free! Join or renew your RUSA membership today and connect with fellow enthusiasts.

Explore our various rides, ranging from 100 to 1000 kilometers, and stay updated on upcoming events.

Please note: RUSA membership is required to participate in our activities. Ensure you’re a current RUSA member or join/renew before registering. https://rusa.org/pages/memberservices

Please note that our website is being updated. We’re committed to keeping you informed about our events and activities. 

Our club sponsors long-distance cycling events in Metro Detroit and other Michigan locations ranging from 100 kilometers to 1000 kilometers (63 – 621 miles) in length.

A few things to know:

  • Our rides are unsupported. That means each rider is solely responsible for the operation and maintenance of their own bicycle.  There is no sag wagon, and on some rides, help can be miles away on some of the more remote stretches of road we ride. But we typically ride together, creating bonds of friendship and camaraderie along the way. Our ride organizers and volunteers work hard to make sure that every rider is accounted for, from start to finish.
  • Our rides are timed, with riders required to reach a series of carefully spaced intermediate control points, as well as the finish, within a set window of time. For most of our rides, the  style of riding is known as “allure libre,” meaning may riders ride at their own pace within the limits set by control opening and closing times.  A few of our rides employ the “audax” style of riding, as a group at a steady pace set by its leaders.
  • The terrain we ride ranges from lakeshore flatlands to rollers to the occasional steep climbs, with overall climbs under 1,000 feet on shorter rides to challenges exceeding 10,000 feet on a few rides “Up North.”  Some routes touch on the urban areas of Metro Detroit, but most take quiet back roads through gorgeous and varied scenery, with regular stops for supplies and rest. Many of our routes have been in use for years and are updated annually to reflect changes in road conditions.

Most importantly, when participating in randonneuring events, riders are part of a long tradition that goes back to the beginning of the sport of cycling in France and Italy. Randonneuring is non-competitive, but we challenge ourselves and each other — to ride farther, faster, and longer than we ever thought possible. We aspire to relentless forward progress but take time to help each other when in need, whether that need is for emotional support, an energy bar to cure a bonk, or a cleverly improvised fix to broken equipment.

Detroit Randonneurs is affiliated with Randonneurs USA (www.RUSA.org) and operates according to the rules promulgated by that organization by adoption from the Audax Club Parisien (www.audax-club-parisien.com).  You must be a Randonneurs USA (RUSA) member to participate in our rides (join here). You must also update your Detroit Randonneurs membership for 2025 before registering for any events. Go to the “Club” tab under logo > Update/Renew Membership and follow the instructions

Please explore our rides: we have many scheduled “brevet” rides as well as fixed-course “permanents” that can be ridden on your own schedule.

Join us for the adventure of a lifetime!

Dragi Gasevski, RBA
(Regional Brevet Administrator)


Upcoming Rides